Here is a new pink DogBot and a PikachuBot (done by request) 🙂 Enjoy!
Here is a new pink DogBot and a PikachuBot (done by request) 🙂 Enjoy!
That’s right – CroBots (Crocheted Robots) have started to invade Minnesota!
With thanks to my brother-in-law Bob who gave me a fantastic crochet book with some
CroBot patterns, here are the first two creations :
These are a few pictures of the latest Gingerbread House I made – and yes, except for the foam board, cotton batting and the presents in front of the door and Christmas tree, the rest is all made by crochet! (No candy or gingerbread used – but I ate some while making this!) 🙂
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Here are some of the pictures from our various Sister’s Weekend activities – we enjoyed ourselves a lot!!!! 🙂
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