We switch to a new web design every couple of months – let us know which one you like! 🙂


  • If you are a relative of Colleen and want your own e-mail address here (for FREE!) that you can use separately or have it forward to your regular e-mail address  (YOURNAME @ lofthusfamily.info) then just send an e-mail to either Jeff  or  Colleen and we will set one up for you!
  • If you want to be able to post on this website, you have to be approved.  This is intended for family and relatives of the Lofthus clan as well as friends of crochet and Colleen’s Crochet Craft store.  If you would like a username and password,  then just send an e-mail to either Jeff  or  Colleen and we will set that up for you as well!

If you have pictures, updates or anything else you want to see on this family website, just e-mail us and let us know!   We would appreciate any help you might have to offer!

Hope you like the new design!   SHARE and SHARE OFTEN!